Saturday, November 29, 2008

Advent: Aslan is on the move!

Today marks the first Sunday of Advent – waiting for the coming of Jesus. I gladly awoke this morning to find snow covering the ground; it always seems right to me for the world to be blanketed in white during this time of waiting. It will be strange and a bit sad to celebrate Advent in Mexico, without this snow that makes it truly seem like winter. Because whenever I think of Advent, I always feel that hope (“that strange feeling – like the first signs of spring, like good news”) of knowing that “Aslan is on the move” in the midst of the endless winter imposed upon Narnia by the White Witch... So I am grateful that those of us in the more northern part of the world are privileged to celebrate Advent and Christmas in the darkest and deadest season of the year - a reminder that Jesus came, and is coming again, to bring light and new life.

(both quotes are from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis)

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