Friday, June 5, 2009


As you may or may not know, it's hard to find a nursing position around here these days (most Twin Cities hospitals have implemented hiring freezes) and the job security is not what it used to be (some nurses are being laid off and many are having to re-bid for their hours). I, however, am blessed to have a fairly secure nursing position that I absolutely love! So sometimes I wonder: why I am even considering leaving all this to go be the one and only nurse for 118+ homeless elderly in Tijuana, Mexico?

And while we're at it, why is it that I'm trading in my cozy little comfortable apartment for flea-infested mattresses and cold water showers?!?

When I start to wonder whether I'm crazy to be doing this, I like to remember something that Father Emmanuel Katongole once said to the staff of Word Made Flesh (an amazing ministry that I support, whose mission is "serving Jesus among the poorest of the poor"):

"You are all CRAZY! Crazy for leaving security, upward mobility, opportunity and comfort to follow Jesus and live and work among those who are poor...but you are in good company..."

So I guess that I am indeed a bit crazy. But it's good to know that I'm not the only one.

1 comment:

Kiki said...

Ay Megancita, I love you so much for your craziness:)