Saturday, December 13, 2008

Advent: Already and Not Yet

Advent reminds us that we are living in the 'already and not yet' - Jesus has already come to redeem us and has ushered in the Kingdom of God, but yet we wait for Him to come again to bring that Kingdom to fulfillment. During this time of Advent, we commemorate the waiting for Jesus who has already come which we celebrate at Christmas. But it is also a time in which we remember that we live waiting for Him to come again and make all things right.

Because of this 'already and not yet,' we are constantly living in between - we celebrate all that God has already done, yet we also long for the completion of His work. We lament the brokenness around and within us, yet we rejoice in God's continuing healing and restoration. During this time of Advent, may we learn to live more fully as 'already and not yet' people, remembering and celebrating that Jesus has come...while also longing and believing that He will come again!

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