Monday, August 3, 2009

¡feliz cumple Armando!

Today is Armando's birthday! Armando is my unofficial godson in Tijuana...his mom wanted me to be his madrina (godmother) when he was dedicated, but I wasn't able to actually come to the service. I still consider him to be my ahijado though!

When I first met him we all called him "bebe" because he was only 2 years old, and well, the baby of the family:

I had the privilege of celebrating Armando's 3rd birthday with him:

The last time that I saw Armando was a little over a year ago, when he was almost 6 years old:

And now that bebe is 7 years old... feliz cumple Armando!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Has anyone told you, that your cheeks look kind of poofy in that picture?