Sunday, January 17, 2010

the final countdown: tomorrow...

By the time that most of you are reading this, it will probably already be the day of my departure!  And it's almost midnight anyways.  But, as I am still awake with last-minute packing, I still consider it to be tomorrow.  On Monday morning I'll leave Minnesota and fly to Miami where the Latin America Mission office is located; I'll be there until Thursday when I'll fly to San Diego (with a layover in New York...yes, that's 3 corners of the country in 1 day!) and then cross the border into Mexico sometime this coming weekend.  I can't believe that the day is finally here...!

Oh, and of note: I'm now at 100% of my financial support and every day of my prayer calender is full!  Thank you!!!

So there's the last update from Minnesota...more later from Miami and Mexico!

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