Monday, February 15, 2010

happy birthday to me!

Today marks both 26 years of life and 3 weeks of living in Mexico!

(This was from exactly 1 month ago, a combined goodbye and early birthday dinner with Camille's family...with the famous Martindale chocolate birthday cake!)


Kevin Abegg said...

Happy Birthday Megan! I didn't realize you were a valentines baby. We spent valentines day at Dave Summerill's wedding (you may remember him from the video dpt. of LAM a few years back).
I hope your val/birth day was enjoyable. God bless!!!

Magi said...

Actually, one-day-post-Valentine's day (my compu still hasn't figured out the time difference). Spent my birthday making pancakes at Geovanny and Nereida's, playing dominos with Valdivia and Flor at C de Fe, and skyping with a good friend in the was a good day!