Monday, June 28, 2010

¡felicidades graduados!

It's graduation week here in Tijuana!  It sort of reminds me of high school gradution open house weekends, where you would go from one to another to yet another...only here the festivities center around kindergarten and elementary school graduation.

Out of those in our church "family" alone, we celebrated:
  • 1 kindergarten graduation
  • 4 elementary school graduations
  • 1 middle school graduation
  • 1 high school graduation
It's a little tricky because every single elementary school has there graduation ceremonies on the same day.  It is, however, slightly helpful that some kids go to school in the morning shift and others in the afternoon.  But we wanted to show our support for these kids (and their families) who have worked hard to make it to this day!

We began on Friday by heading over to Edgar's graduation...

We then caught the end of Ahmber's graduation ceremony, then spent some time at her home, where we had some extremely delicious tamales (I am proud to say that I ate 4 plus part of a sweet tamale for dessert!)

That was the end of the day's festivities for some, but I then met up with a family who are long-time friends of mine here and went back to the same elementary school for Oscar's graduation ceremony...

(one of the traditions of the elementary school graduation ceremony here is that the 6th grade graduates dance the waltz)

(Oscar is the 3rd of 5 brothers to graduate from elementary school, but the 1st who is continuing on to middle school!)

We had a small respite over the weekend, then began again today with Israel's kindergarten graduation (which was followed by a celebration lunch at Burger King, per the graduate's request)...

(the proud graduate)

(Israel with his buddy who lives on the same street)

(the brothers/cousins)

¡Felicidades graduados!

1 comment:

jenna - through mommy goggles said...

Oh my goodness, those boys all look so handsome! How very exciting for all the kids, they should be very proud :)