Friday, September 3, 2010

a visit from Bro Joe & Betty

We enjoyed a fast and furious visit from our dear friends, the Knosallas, this past weekend!  Brother Joe (aka Darrell when outside of Tijuana; Giovanni dubbed him "Joe" because Darrell was too hard to say) and Betty have been a huge support to me and to our church and we appreciate them so much.

We were SO glad to have Brother Joe and Betty join us for discipleship class, pizza in the park, a Sunday church service, a convivio in their honor, and a whole lot of just eating and talking and being together...

(the grown-up gang at "pizza in the park")

(these two fellows, despite dramatic differences in their age & culture & language, are ridiculously similar!)

(Betty, an OB nurse, was able to answer many more of Nere's pregnancy questions than I, a cardiac-renal nurse, can!)

(a toast to Tacos La Villa!)

(mmm-mmm...thanks for taking us out for tacos...)

Thank you for sharing in our lives, Betty and Brother Joe!

PS - The Knosallas' church, Jacob's Well of Minneapolis MN, has recently partnered with our church to receive and receipt monetary donations!  Click here for more info!

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