Wednesday, December 30, 2009

(s)inging in the new year

"What a joy it was to celebrate the new year with both old and new friends here in Mexico! We began and one of the chruches and then at 11pm headed to the "Asilo" (the home for elderly) where we brought in the new year with hot chocolate, deep friend tortillas, and hymns sung to Pastor Chuy's accordian. At midnight there were hugs and shouts of '¡feliz año nuevo!' As I gave and received hugs from ancianos (elderly), volunteers and children, I could only thank God for this opportunity to be with these people once again."

One thing that stands out in my mind from that New Year's Eve 5 years ago was a song that someone kept playing over and over again, that said "gloria a Dios/yo puedo decir/que hasta aqui me has ayudo Jehovah": glory to God because I can certainly say that He has helped me up until now! Each new year I can still say the same...

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