Sunday, January 24, 2010

adventures of Auntie & Pink Kitty - episode 1

This is for my almost-2-year-old sobrinita and god-daughter, Camille, who gave me "Pink Kitty" to bring with me to Mexico.  But I thought it would be fun to also share it on my blog so that other younger friends can follow along on our adventures as well...

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Yesterday Auntie and Pink Kitty flew in an airplane!  Tomorrow they are going to a place called Mexico.

Auntie took a nap on the plane and ate some yummy pretzels.  Pink Kitty liked looking out the window as they flew through the clouds.  Pink Kitty and Auntie waved at all of their friends down on the ground...did you see any airplanes in the sky?

Auntie and Pink Kitty miss all of their friends, but they are excited for their adventures in Mexico!


1 comment:

jenna - through mommy goggles said...

We miss Auntie and Pink Kitty too! You take good care of each other :)