Friday, January 8, 2010

the final countdown: 10 days...

The final countdown: 10 days until my departure date!

GOODBYE OPEN HOUSE: If you're in the area, I'd love to see you before I go! Please join us for a goodbye open house this Saturday (January 9th). Come anytime from 1-5pm. Anyone is welcome (spouse, kids, friends, random people off the street...)! It will be in the community room at the old Edgewater Emmanuel church building (5144 13th Ave S Minneapolis MN 55417). Hope to see you there!

It would be amazing to be fully supported (both in monthly financial support and in prayer each day) before I leave in 10 days! Pray with me that God would provide in this! Here's how you can help:

  • MONTHLY FINANCIAL SUPPORT: Because a few supporters had to withdraw their support due to economic trouble or personal situations, I'm now at 94.2% of my full monthly support. I'm in need of $145/month. Please prayerfully consider whether you might partner with me by making a monthly pledge (or increasing your current monthly gift); just $5-10 would bring me closer to my full support! Please fill out a pledge card and/or EFT automatic deduction form...and as I won't see those for awhile, you can let me know too :)
  • MONTHLY PRAYER TEAM: I would love to leave knowing that I'm being prayed for each and every day of the year! I'm still in need of 19 monthly pray-ers, so if you'd like to join my monthly prayer team by committing to pray one day each month, please let me know by emailing me at or leaving a comment here! You can find the open days below...

I will be updating this "final countdown" with the financial/prayer support needs each day until I go. We still have 10 days to reach my full support! Thank you for all of your support thus far! I am encouraged and comforted to know that as I go to Mexico soon, I do not go alone...

1 - Mary G
2 -
3 - Sheena L
4 - John & Mary Ann A, Marilyn H
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 -
10 -
11 - Tracy T
12 -
13 - Dawn F, Rochelle T
14 -
15 - Hannah K
16 -
17 - Dorothy N
18 - Darrell K
19 -
20 - Donna H
21 -
22 - Kathryn H, Roland H
23 - Juanita R
24 -
25 -
26 - Judy H, Heather W
27 -
28 -
29 -
30 -
31 -

1 comment:

Through Grand-ma Goggles said...

I can pray for you on the 2nd, Megan. That is MY birthday! I'd love to share it with you...more cake for both of us that way! --Sue M