Saturday, February 13, 2010

first full day at El Refugio

Today was my first full day at El Refugio (aka the Asilo).  I spent most of my 8 hours doing wound care (aka curaciones) on 10 of the elderly residents there, plus bonus foot care for each of them!  As far as the more interesting cases of those of you who are medically inclined: I've encountered one exposed metal rod, one wound that needed to be debrided, another that I just couldn't debride for lack of anesthetic and lots of screaming on the resident's part, and one case of what I'm pretty sure are shingles.  Next week there will definately be some photos being sent to my skin team friends at HCMC!  Otherwise, just lots of really dry skin and overgrown toenails.  I've also started to connect with some of the groups that come regularly or will be coming, especially those who are helping with medical care.  When I bring my camera next week for the wound photo shoot, I'll try to get some non-gory photos to post here for the rest of you!

PS - For those of you who would like to donate supplies (or money towards supplies), please see the post below for a list and/or instructions on how to designate funds!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Megan! Happy birthday! You go girl! May the Lord shine His favor upon you today! Janet-LAM