Thursday, January 14, 2010

the final countdown: 4 days...

...until my departure date on Monday, January 18th!

Sorry that I missed yesterday's episode of this final countdown for any of you obsessive daily blog readers... I was too busy spending the day with one of my most favorite people:

Here's the latest update:

MONTHLY FINANCIAL SUPPORT: 99.45% of my monthly support has been pledged!  Woo-hoo!  I'm now only about $14/month away from being fully supported!

MONTHLY PRAYER TEAM: We have every single day of the month filled, and then some!  But if you still want to commit to praying, pick a date and let me know!  I'll take all the prayer I can get!  (See the lower part of the right sidebar of this blog for the list...)

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your prayers, encouragement, and financial support!

Pray in these last few days that I would get the rest of my packing, errands and to-do list done...and most of all that I'd be able to spend good time with those here that I love and we'd be able to say goodbye well.


Liz K said...

hurray! just $14/ month left! Awesome! Looking forward to meeting you in a couple of days

jenna - through mommy goggles said...

I'm pretty sure you spent the day with TWO of your favorite people, there just happens to be only ONE of them in the photo with you. Well, besides the snowman. But come on, SOMEONE had to take the photo!

Magi said...

You're absolutely right, Jenna, and I'll even go so far as to say that you rank about Snow-Mickey!

Anonymous said...

What a cute photo!

Congratulations on being so close to your support goal! Woo-hoo!

Traveling mercies to you. I'll continue to be in prayer for you.