Sunday, January 10, 2010

the final countdown: 8 days...

...until my departure date!

Thank you to all of you who came to my goodbye open house yesterday! It was such a blessing to see each of you if only for a little bit. I felt so loved and encouraged by your presence...thank you!

MONTHLY FINANCIAL SUPPORT: I'm now at 96.2% of my full monthly support! Thank you for those of you who pledged yesterday to support me monthly. I'm now short only $95/month!

MONTHLY PRAYER TEAM: Thanks to all of you who have committed to pray once a month, there are now only 4 days that aren't covered: the 9th, 16th, 19th, and 29th (what's with all the 9's?!?). If you're willing to commit to praying on one of these days, please let me know! If there's another day that would be easier for you to remember (ie a birthday or anniversary date), that's ok too...I'll take more than one person praying each day!

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