Saturday, March 13, 2010

pain control 101: distraction in the form of food

I just added another item to my donation "wish list": granola bars!  Giving this fellow something to munch on while I'm doing his wound care is the only thing that seems to keep him from screaming/swearing at me non-stop...and while protein drinks lessen the outbursts, granola bars keep him completely content!  Enough to debride down to the tendon today...ok, probably too much information for most of you...  But the point is that it works SO much better than the lidocaine spray!

Keep praying for wisdom, strength and patience for me in my work at El Refugio...  And pray for peace, relief and healing for this fellow!

PS - Here's a foto of me in the newly organized "wound care room"...

PPS - For those of you who are medically inclined and/or don't have a weak stomach, here are some of the wounds I've been treating.  Recommendations are welcome!  Really though, click at your own risk...not recommended for the general public...


jenna - through mommy goggles said...

Hmmm, I don't think I'm going to click on the link with the wound care photos. I hope you're not offended :) Food really IS a great distraction tool, I'm so glad it's working for your patients! Love you!

Anonymous said...

I shouldn't have clicked on the link! Ugh! What did they do before you came, Megan?


Unknown said...

Those pictures are great Megan! That's the one nice thing with long-term wound care is feeling the satisfaction of watching healing happen. You should be very proud!

I'm going to email Kim the wound nurse at work and ask if she has any suggestions for you.